GameShape - The App

(Coming soon!)

Use the GameShape app to get


GameShape members can use the GameShape Training app to access their ‘off-site’ training routines and view their fuel & supplement plans so we can monitor and modify accordingly.

Weekly check-ins are required in order to establish accountability, and the messaging system allows us to answer any questions the athletes may have as well as drop a motivational note from time to time.

STRONG: Having great physical power and ability


“The measure of how much force is needed to move an object at an accelerated rate given a biomechanical advantage.”

This is the GameShape definition of strength. Our program is designed to help our athletes develop the ability to move themselves (run, swing, throw) and/or their tools (bats, balls, etc.) as fast as possible. There are no shortcuts, we start by building a solid foundation using simple but effective movements and postures, upon which we can build more dynamic, explosive, loaded movements.


Baseball & softball require well-honed hand-eye (or foot-eye) coordination. Coordination is the ability to see an external object (the ball) and respond precisely with your hands and/or feet to meet a pre-determined objective (hit, field, catch). We’ll employee a series of movements designed to improve coordination and provide the athlete an opportunity to improve their on-field skills and production.

FAST: Moving or capable of moving at high speed


There is a difference between speed and velocity. Speed gives us an idea of how fast an object is moving, and cannot be measured at ‘zero’. Velocity not only tells us its speed but also tells us the direction in which the body is moving. GameShape Training applies a variety of techniques to improve multi-directional velocity in our athletes, an athletic trait that greatly improves on field performance.

ATHLETIC: Having great physical strength, skill, or ability


Unlike force output or velocity, we have a hard time quantifying balance and measuring it’s improvement. Most people think of balance as if it’s ‘static’, i.e. the ability to maintain equilibrium in relation to the force of gravity while stationary. We prefer to improve an athletes ‘dynamic balance’, which is the ability to maintain equilibrium while moving - fielding a ground ball, catching a line drive, etc.


Food is not just something to satiate or satisfy a craving. Food should be viewed as FUEL. If athletes aren't properly fueled for each training session, for each practice, for each game, they are NOT competing or performing at their maximum capacity. We provide each athlete with a comprehensive fuel plan designed to give them the fuel they need to be their best on the fields of practice and play, and in the gym.


Mobility training consists of protocols specifically designed to improve the range of motion of body parts, muscle groups, and most importantly, the joints that move them. An athlete’s ability to execute any movement with proper range of motion is tied to their athletic performance and progression as an athlete.

“Isn’t mobility the same as flexibility?”

Well, no, there is a clear distinction between the two. Flexibility focuses on the passive lengthening of a muscle or muscle groups (think yoga), while mobility focuses on your body’s motion through an active movement.